
December 23, 2013

Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange 2013: The Gift of Gab

When I heard about the Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange hosted by Pamela of Something Wagging This Way Comes, I knew I wanted to participate.  I've only been blogging about my newly adopted dog for a few months, but have a second horse-related blog and have been involved with online journaling since 2004. One of my favorite parts about these virtual venues are the personal connections to be made across the miles.  By sharing our stories and connecting through common interests we get to form friendships we wouldn't otherwise be able to.

I was lucky enough to be matched up with Kimberly from Keep the Tail Wagging - there is no question which one of us got the lion's share of this exchange - Keep The Tail Wagging is a well-established online magazine with a large and devoted following.  I'll bet most of you reading now are already following her, but if not, be sure to peruse her wide range of helpful topics from the eponymous tail wagging to raising littermate puppies.

Kimberly also posts weekly podcasts, which open with a delightful jingle and feel like the coffee talk for dog lovers.  In fact, Kimberly and I spoke on the phone this month, and of course easily talked dogs for an hour. Although I am a somewhat quiet person, I have no problem pontificating about dogs past, present and future with a complete stranger.  Dogs are a perfect starting point, and Kimberly had some really exciting news - while we were on the phone her boyfriend was flying out to meet their new puppies, which would be their second pair of littermates.  There is no doubt that Kimberly is a devoted dog mom, and her "confessions" are entertaining and educational. I really enjoyed meeting her and hearing all about Sydney, Rodrigo, and the decision to add to her four-footed family, which she has written about in her latest post

I'm so excited to have joined this dynamic community and look forward to what the new year brings for all of us and our dogs!  I hope the holiday season brings you snowflakes sparkling on wet noses, warm fuzzy nights by the fire, and lasting evergreen memories with friends and family.


  1. So glad you got to talk live with a fellow blogger. It's fun to write to each other. But it's even more amazing to actually meet or talk live.

    I'm so glad you joined the Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange. I hope you enjoyed it.

    I've added your post to the linky tool so other people can find it. You'll find it here:

  2. What a lovely post - Kimberly is fantastic, and your post to her is a wonderful gift. I love that you two actually had a chance to chat - how fun!

    Thanks for joining us this year - so glad you did!

  3. What a wonderful post - and an especially touching and awesome gift. Thank you so much for becoming a participant of the come back this year!


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