
April 16, 2014

WW 4.16.14: Saturday Sunrise

Ruby and I had the dog park all to ourselves at 6:30 on Saturday morning. 


I love the crinkle in her ears here - this is the level of intensity she has for her flying disc. 

I thought her harness was too bright at first, but it's really grown on me. 

It's lucky we had this outing, because on Sunday it started raining and never stopped, unless you count turning to snow. April in Colorado is always unpredictable.

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  1. What sweet photos. I love the blaze orange harness!! I so need an orange is my color, after all. BOL Great photos of a beautiful doggie!

  2. I love all the colors, and the lighting in these photos. I think the orange looks good on her!

    1. Thank you! They were edited with VSCOcam - it was not nearly so bright out at 6:30 in the morning.

  3. I like the harness and how cool is it that you had the park to yourself? We never get that lucky!

    After our nice week I was so sad to see snow... but hey that's what happens in Colorado huh?

  4. must've felt great to have the park all to yourself! :) and i like the brightness of the harness!

  5. 6:30! That's dedication.

    We tried it once, about that time on Sunday. What we found is that we did *not* have the park to ourselves--we had it with all the other maladjusted dogs whose owners were hoping to get the park to themselves.

    1. There was one other dog on the smaller side, a large Shepherd mix. Ruby loved him and they spent some time racing up and down the fence-line together.

  6. Looks like you guys had a great time at the park! :) I used to love getting the dog park all to ourselves, especially when it was dreary out. It felt like we were on some forest adventure, just Niles and me.

  7. I love having the park to ourselves. I think the harness looks good on her.

  8. she is lovely!!


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