
June 30, 2014

Why My Dogs Eat Better Than I Do

As soon as my paycheck hit my bank this week I placed orders to Sit Stay and The Honest Kitchen and made a quick trip to my local Kriser's. Then I went grocery shopping for myself. That's how it goes at my house, where the dogs rule. If I get into a pinch, their diet doesn't change, but mine might. I'm happy to bargain shop and eat economically while my dogs remain on their high-quality, extremely varied rotation diet. They get raw dehydrated for breakfast, kibble and canned food for dinner, supplemented with camelina, salmon or coconut oil, green tripe and Organic Pet Superfood along with extras like fresh fruit and vegetables. 

I try to eat healthy, too - I am predominantly vegetarian and I buy local and organic as much as possible. I love visiting the farmers markets in the summertime. I also don't mind compromising if I have to in order for my dogs to have the best. I carefully research all of my dog food choices and think it's important that they enjoy their meals.

I have seen first-hand the results that a quality diet can have on a dog's health: when Boca arrived from The Bahamas, she had some skin issues which have entirely disappeared - no more dry patches, hot spots or dull hair. Her coat is splendidly shiny and her itchiness has subsided. It is so rewarding to see my feeding efforts make a difference.

It is said that their shorter lifespans are dogs' only fault, and if I can extend that with better nutrition, I absolutely will. I shop less for myself these days, but take great joy in stocking the dog pantry and picking out new flavors or varieties of food for them, usually adding treats or a toy to the order for some extra fun. I love the daily ritual of meal preparation with them watching bright-eyed as I mix up their breakfast and dinner. Ruby and Boca are my family, and the kitchen is a wonderful place to show my love.


  1. "Ruby and Boca are my family, and the kitchen is a wonderful place to show my love."

    I hear you on that!

    I'd say that my dogs eat *at least* as well as I do, though. Somehow they get more certified organic fare, given the regular quantities of THK they consume. Which is still processed food, yes, but I still eat plenty of food that was prepared in an industrial kitchen and prepped for grocery store sale, too.

    Mostly I try to feed all my loved ones conscientiously, mindfully, as if this very important part of our life actually IS important. I also don't eat a whole lot of meat, but whatever I do eat, I prefer to be fresh, whole foods. Same goes for the dogs.

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE! The health change I see in Felix since changing his diet is ridiculous and I, like you, am whole heartedly committed to making sure his diet is managed, even before mine is.

  3. I prefer to say Blueberry eats as well as I do. :) I eat healthy about 90% of the time and when I indulge - I allow her to indulge with me in small amounts.

    I'm so glad that Boca has benefited from the healthier meals you've been preparing for her - she probably thinks she hit the jackpot with you and Ruby! :)

    1. Boca has been funny about fruits and veggies, which Ruby loves. She looks at me like I'm a little bit crazy when I offer her carrots.

  4. Amen. I too will scrimp on myself to do for my dogs.

  5. I prioritize food for *everybody* pretty highly in the budget, and I'm thankful I don't have to pick. But, that said, I can eat eggs and pasta. Silas can't eat cheap kibble without getting sick. So, there's that.

    1. Eggs are a major staple at my house! I love to have roasted vegetables and Parmesan scrambled eggs for supper.

  6. Totally agree! I'd rather make sure my dogs get the food that makes them happier and healthier and live longer than buy that Chinese food I really want, etc. Plus, I've been shopping healthier and better for myself and husband since I've really been watching what the dogs eat, so win win :)

  7. Wow-that's awesome that they are fed so well. And I totally hear you-it's the same around here with the dogs eating better than the human! LOL I'll also be doing some research and figuring out what supplements each should have, and I'm also making the switch to more healthy food :)

    1. Tiffany, watch for an Honest Kitchen giveaway coming up soon on my blog!


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