
August 4, 2014

Ruby's Gotcha Day Giveaway

Yesterday marked one year with Little Rubes and I wrote about all of the ways that she has changed my life. One of Ruby's cutest qualities is the joy she takes in sharing. She does not have a jealous bone in her body when it comes to to toys, food or attention. The more the merrier, and what's her is yours! Today I want to celebrate with all of you and give you a chance to win some of Ruby's favorite things. Three winners will be randomly selected to win the following prizes:

1. Ruby's Gotcha Day Grand Prize: A Spindrift Max Walker Leash, a Kyjen Slo Bowl Sweet Pea Kitchens treats, Sojos treats, an Acadia Antlers moose taster antler chew and a box of The Honest Kitchen Pro Bloom.

2. A $25 Gift Certificate to Sit Stay 

3. Spindrift Max Walker Leash & Sojos Treats

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a special Gotcha Day giveaway
    Lily & Edward

  2. Happy Gotcha Day!

    Boomer and Dottie have definitely made my life better, they helped me realize I needed to change my career, make new friends, start my blog... the list can go on and on!

    1. I had to stop adding to my list - it was getting really long!

  3. Happy Gotcha Day to Ruby! What a very nice giveaway to celebrate such a grand and happy occassion.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day, Ruby! My life has become much more dog-centric since we got Mr. N (hiking, dog play dates, training classes etc).

  5. Happy Gotcha day!

    My dog has made me even more obsessed with dogs. I love it.

  6. 3rd try is charm. My Lady Girl is my soulmate, my shadow, my mirror in moods. She knows how to cheer me up. She is the most loveable goofball. She rescued me, I didn't rescue her.

    1. They are just amazing. Thanks for entering, Ann!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Rubes! So happy you have come to join our extended friend family!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day Ruby! I certainly wish you would have rubbed off on our two furkids while you were with us. They sure could use a lesson in being mellow :-) I guess life would not be as exciting without all the happiness that spills out of them!

    1. Ruby, mellow? Not in the least, that is the potcake's job! She is mellow from about 10pm to 5:30am when she is asleep :)

  9. I can't even begin to say all the ways our dogs have changed my life! We've met new people, gone to new places, won blog awards and learned a lot of new skills. We're definitely better off for them! Happy Gotcha Day, Ruby!

  10. What an awesome giveaway!!! So excited, crossing my fingers :)

  11. Lola & Rio have changed my life because they truly give me something to look forward to even in the worst of days :)

  12. My dog Stella has changed my life by giving me a reason to rush home everyday. Not just because she needs a walk but because I cannot wait to be showered with unconditional love!

    1. I can't wait to get home for that incomparable doggie greeting, either! We know another Stella dog - a bull terrier!

  13. I have five Treeing Walker Coonhounds and three cats - all rescues. They give me unconditional love and just fill my life with love and joy. There are days I don't know what I'd do without them.

  14. What a brilliant give away, happy gotcha day. I can't even begin to explain how much both my two have enriched my life in their own unique way!!

  15. Happy Gotcha Day, Ruby!

    Isn't it interesting how some dogs are such great sharers and others (Blueberry) are not?

    1. Boca is a typical big sister - always taking stuff from Ruby. Ruby is so cute about it - she looks surprised and then gets something different.

  16. Just tweeted your give-away under @dakotasheltie, can't enter due to a contract conflict but good luck to all who do enter!

  17. Happy happy gotcha day to you and to Ruby! I love seeing pictures of her from a year ago. She looked hopeful, but a little unsure and more than a little bit worried. Now? Nothing but pure joy on that face!

  18. Happy Gotcha Day to Ruby and her family! Thank you for sharing the challenges and joys of living with this adorable, fun-loving, generous, and amazing dog!

    1. Thank you, Suzan! Ruby really is a little gem.

  19. Cosmo has been a not-so-quiet companion through the past few years. I feel like his presence has just made my life more whole. I can't say he's the best dog, though I want to. All dogs feel like the best dog.

  20. Happy Gotcha Day to you and Ruby!

    Bain has changed my life by forcing me to become a lot more active. I've lost 30 pounds since January. I'm a lot more assertive and patient, and I've met a lot of wonderful people out on our walks. He's also the best buddy for scary movies.

    ~ April

  21. How sweet of Ruby! Happy Gotcha day too! =)
    Each dog has changed my life in his or her own way.
    I owe so much to my first dog Bella. She has gotten me involved with rescue, reconnected me with family that I hadn't seen since I was a child, helped me meet some amazing people, provided me with many opportunities, helped me begin to lose weight, and by simply being there for me she makes my life better.
    Terra has challenged me in so many ways with her intelligence and being untrained when she came to me-she's taught me patience and acceptance.
    Kronos brings so much joy and laughter into my life on a daily basis. He is so goofy at home and his smile is contagious. He is my little Trickster and reminds me to lighten up and play even as I grow up.

  22. Happy Gotcha Day! Nice giveaway! They have taught me patience more than anything, and to relax and enjoy the moment.

  23. Happy Gotcha Day, we celebrate Kouga's Gotcha Day too. My dog has taught me loyalty, and to live in the moment.

  24. They make me happy and give me unconditional love. I have changed because I spending more time with my dogs now than I do going out by myself.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  25. Happy Gotcha Day!!!! I have changed my humans life in so many, I give them a reason not to sleep in, to get out, and to go walking!!! :)

  26. Happy Gotcha day Ruby & Lara & Boca. You three make a fantastic trio.

  27. Happy Gotcha Day to you! ~Rascal and Rocco

  28. I'm so excited that we won! That was the prize I was hoping for, too!


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