
October 24, 2014

Five of My Favorite Posts

It's hard to believe that Rubicon Days is a year old already. I had no idea the connections, friendships and opportunities this blog would lead to, or all that I would learn about myself and my dogs. A year ago, I certainly would not have expected that I would have two dogs again! I thought as a way to reflect on these first twelve months of dog-blogging, I would share five of my favorite posts so far: 

  • The Dog You Need - This post about a walk off the beaten path is an important one to me because it marked a time of making peace with the fact that I have a reactive dog, and seeking out a way to navigate the world that she was comfortable with. We've returned to that place several times since, and it's pinned on my GPS as "Hidden Gem." 

  • Here and Now: Falling In Love with Imperfection - Not surprisingly, another post about accepting Ruby for who she is, and one that details many of her wonderful qualities and the sweetness of our daily routines. 

  • My Five Favorite Dog Books - Reading is such an important part of my life, and I love this post highlighting the dog books that have affected me the most over the years.

  • Forever Is Composed of Nows - A wordless post, but one that captures so perfectly the different facets of life with Ruby in just three pictures. 

  • Loving What Isn't Yours: The Art of Fostering - This one is almost funny in hindsight, but I think it touches on the delicacy of balance between loving and falling in love. Boca belonged with us - I think everyone but me knew that from the start. I have fostered "successfully" before and hope to do so again someday. There is such a great need for foster homes in rescue, and I continue to encourage people to open their hearts to the idea.


  1. Congratulations to you! It's amazing how quickly time flies by with blogging.

  2. Happy blogiversary! And congratulations on a great first year. I'm pleased to say I remember all 5 of your fave posts.

    1. Thanks for following, Pamela! It's been wonderful to meet so many like-minded dog people.

  3. Happy Blogoversary!!!!! Wonderful first year! We are having our five year blogoversary today!

  4. What a great way to celebrate your blogiversary! We sorta skipped over our 5th one last August...

  5. Happy blogiversary! You have A LOT of great posts here. Hard to believe it's only been one year!

  6. Congrats on a year! From your favorite posts, it sounds as if you and I have traveled a similar road with our "reactive" or "fearful" dogs. Learning acceptance and patience is key. I'm going to read some other old ones. Thanks!

  7. Congrats on it being a year - if I didn't look at the dates on your posts I would have imagined that this blog is older given the depth of posts you've written. I really connect with you and your thoughts on dog ownership being the owner of a fearful and reactive dog myself. It's always so clear to me that you have the best interest of your dogs in mind and it's so great to hear about all of your progress.


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