
October 7, 2014

October Walks

We've been having the most beautiful weather here in Colorado - I wish it would stay like this forever! The mornings are chilly and we had our first frost recently, but by the afternoon the sky is brilliantly blue and the leaves crunch deliciously under our feet on the warm ground. The ginger sisters and I have been enjoying the most wonderful walks on these perfect autumn days. 

I am lucky to live next to a large vacant field and while yes, technically we are trespassing, the footpaths along the marsh and over the hill are a testament to the many rebel dog walkers and until the land is developed, I am going to continue taking advantage of this little semblance of wilderness nestled between my town house complex and a public transit station. 

Ruby especially seems to love bounding through the tall grass and getting her terrier on by scrabbling at the ground where it is soft. One day I spotted a little mousy creature scurrying through the field, so I know that's what she smells. Sometimes she gets so overcome by digging that she will bark and whine as she's showering Boca and I with flying dirt before sticking her whole snout in the hole and snuffling the earth. It's a joy to watch her being such a dog.

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  1. We love walking when the weather is cool and crisp. Still 90 degrees here though
    Lily & Edward

  2. We're starting to get that weather here as well and the dogs are loving it. I hope it lasts for awhile before it starts getting unbearably cold!

    1. I am not looking forward to winter at all, or dog walks in the dark after work. Enjoying the beautiful fall while it lasts!

  3. So lovely! I agree: October walks are the best! The girls look so happy. How nice that you have that big open area right next to your home!

  4. They're so cute!! I absolutely love October for pretty much all of the things you listed! :D

  5. We still have 90 degree weather which we love. No hurry to get colder and darker for us.

  6. Hooray for big fields! I have no idea who owns ours or what its purpose is, but it has a path through it and a bench, so I choose to believe we are welcome there.

  7. We always say we wish this weather would stay forever too, but if it did, this place would be the hotspot to live in the US and we would start taking it for granted. Enjoy the fall!

  8. We're loving the Colorado weather too!

  9. October walks are our favorites! The seasons are changing, the leaves are falling, and the air is so crisp and clear. Enjoy!!

  10. Glad you are enjoying beautiful Fall walks - even if you are "technically trespassing" - LOL!!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy @ Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
    IG: caluvsdogs


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