
November 11, 2014

Ruby Twosday

It's Ruby's Maybe Birthday today, a combination of a best-guess estimate and maximization of my favorite number, eleven. 

I'm not home to celebrate with her and make her scrambled eggs for breakfast and give her extra kisses (or let her give me extra kisses more correctly). 

Instead I'm staying on the eleventh floor of a hotel in Florida for a business trip, and Ruby is getting snow back home! Temperatures in Denver dropped 20-30 degrees within an hour yesterday and they will not get out of the teens until Friday. 

It's strange to sleep alone when you are used to two warm souls curled up close. I miss Ruby's pouty lip she gets when she is sleepy and Boca's paw draped over me. 

When I get home tomorrow, The Ginger Sisters are getting some special winter treats, and snuggles and scritchins galore. 

Happy second birthday, Little Rubes. I love you so darn much. 


  1. It's hard to be away from them on special days...even though they don't understand special days.

  2. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  3. Happy Birthday, Ruby!!
    Safe travels! :)

  4. Happy birthday, Ruby! Have a safe trip! :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Ruby! Your mom will be truly shocked by the change in weather when she gets here. It's presently below zero at our house in the mountains. But, there's a fire in the woodstove. I hope that your belated Birthday celebration is fabulous!

  6. Happy Birthday Ruby
    Lily & Edward


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