
January 21, 2015

Did Someone Say Dog Pictures?

cute dogs instagram jack russell potcake

I never get tired of looking at dog pictures, and that's why I think Instagram is one of the best places on the web. I follow primarily dog accounts and thought I would share a few of my favorites:

Pumpkin the Raccoon - Pumpkin the Raccoon lives with two Potcakes in the Bahamas, and their playful bond is one of the most adorable things I've ever seen.

Amanda and the Sidekick Dogs - Amanda is a dog trainer that lives in Washington, and I love the photos of her colorful crew - Wren, Poe, Foggy, Sasha, Lucky and Hank - in beautiful outdoor settings. 

Eko and Penny - First of all, these gorgeous Rhodesian Ridgebacks are named after Lost characters, and Will has a gift for capturing their sweetest (and silliest) moments.

Seven Miyazaki - Seven is a Jack Russell Terrier who digs up a storm (and sometimes a mouse!)

Podengo Toby - Toby is a Portuguese Podengo living in London and has the most expressive face.

Of course I hope you'll also follow The Ginger Sisters for your daily dose of red and white rescue love! 


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  1. I love seeing all the cute faces on Instagram! One of our favorites is @thewhitestpupsyouknow - I have no idea where she finds time to take all of those cute pics, but I'm envious!

    1. Off to follow them now! Thank you for the suggestion!

  2. I love Instagram as well. We were already following you there, and now we're following all of these great accounts, too! Thanks for introducing them!

  3. It sounds like it's time for me to try Instagram!

  4. I love instagram, I'm always posting something on there!

  5. I just recently joined Instagram in December, but I am loving it so much already!

    I will have to check out these accounts. :)

  6. Oh I love Eko and Penny :) I haven't done anything with Instagram because I don't even have a smart phone... I'm a bit behind when it comes to technology.


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