
April 8, 2015

This Love

 I'm 38 and I'm single and I'm having my most intense and gratifying relationship with a dog. But we all learn about love in different ways, and this way happens to be mine. 

The older I get, the less I feel I understand about love and relationships, but what I do know is that every day my two dogs are teaching me something about compassion, devotion, communication and understanding. My love for them is unfettered by expectation, social construct or ego. It is beautifully uncomplicated and full of joy.

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  1. Dogs can teach us so much about love, can't they?

  2. I absolutely loved "Pack of Two" when I read it - I could relate so much to the writer and her relationship with her dog. I'm so glad you found my blog so that I could find yours. Your pups are gorgeous!

    1. I've added your blog to my reading list - I love discovering new dog blogs! I need to re-read Pack of Two - I've become an even crazier dog lady since the first time I read it. Thanks so much for stopping by.

  3. Dogs are so amazing. :) I love this picture of Ruby! <3

    1. She looks good with purple...I've been wanting to get her a purple collar and harness.

  4. If people would just pay more attention to animals, we could learn soooo much! Gorgeous shot, by the way. :)

  5. Mom prefers us dogs
    Lily & Edward

  6. Lara - you've taken the words right out of my mouth. I love my life with Harley & Jax.

  7. Very interesting quote and words from you. I think that my most intense experience with dog love was during the seven months between when Angel K was diagnosed with bone cancer and when she died. She taught me so much about love during those months. In retrospect, I think they may have been some of the most influential months of my life.

    I'm starting to love Shyla like that... it's just overwhelming sometimes. I'm glad you are experiencing the same thing.

    BTW, I am finally taking the plunge into Twitter and Instagram just so I have a decent chance of winning the positive dog training raffle :)

    1. While I've had dogs my whole life, something is different with Ruby and Boca. I don't know if it's just getting older, or the way Ruby's sensitivity opened my eyes to the complex world of dog behavior/body language, but my commitment and connection with them is deeper than I've experienced before - akin to the relationship I've had with some of the horses I've known.

      Your amazing photographs would be a huge hit on Instagram if you want to gain a following there!

  8. Beautiful!! They can teach us everything we need to know, if we are willing to listen!

  9. Dogs are pretty amazing. I'm always amazed at how much Buster teaches me everyday. I might have to read that book!

    1. It's wonderful - I would like to read it again.

  10. Love this, dogs are just plain awesome.

  11. Love this. It's so so true.

    1. I know I'm in good company with those who understand.

  12. Great post and great quote. I will have to look into that book as well.

    1. Thank you, Jessica! I read it not long after adopting my first dog as an adult - I would be interested in revisiting it now that I am the author's age when she wrote it.

  13. I think I'll have to add this book to my reading list!

    1. Since I now know you like poetry, another I highly recommend is Mark Doty's 'Dog Years' - a lyrical dog memoir.


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