
May 29, 2015

Wisdom Panel 3.0 Tour On Its Way to Vail, Colorado

This post is sponsored by Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel 3.0. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the new version of the Wisdom Panel DNA testing kit and the Wisdom Panel 3.0 Tour, but Rubicon Days only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel 3.0 is not responsible for the content of this article.

Ruby's Wisdom Panel DNA test results have helped me immensely in understanding the breeds that contributed to her personality and understanding her exercise and training needs. The more I learn about Jack Russell terriers and border collies, the more confident I am that Ruby's test results were accurate. She has so many of the physical, behavioral and temperamental characteristics of both breeds. Since it's a product I am both familiar with and believe in, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Wisdom Panel to promote their new test kit and their summer "Swabathon" Tour, in which dogs can be DNA tested on-site at several events around the country for a discounted price, including the GoPRO Mountain Games in Vail, Colorado. 

DNA testing is helpful for a variety of reasons, including size prediction, breed-specific health concerns and characteristics or just purely for fun. The Wisdom Panel 3.0 test adds one more extremely important element to their results, that of MDR1 mutation screening. The MDR1 mutation is found in some herding breeds, sighthounds and mixed breeds and can cause extreme sensitivity to some common drugs, including ivermectin. I learned about this mutation recently in a heartbreaking situation where a friend lost her collie due to accidental ingestion of horse deworming paste containing ivermectin. Since Ruby is part border collie, the MDR1 mutation screening is something I should strongly consider for her. 

Not only does Wisdom Panel 3.0 provide potentially lifesaving genetic information, but the expanded breed database can identify over 250 breeds, including all those recognized by the American Kennel Club. The testing is as easy as swabbing your dog's inner cheek and sending the swab back to the lab via regular mail. Results are available in 2-3 weeks and include a detailed profile with three generations of probably ancestry, predicted weight range and the MDR1 genetic mutation screening results.

This summer, Wisdom Panel 3.0 is on the road at several events around the country:

  • June 4th-7th: GoPRO Mountain Games in Vail, CO
  • August 1st: Amazing Pet Expo in Austin, TX
  • TBD October: Mars Pet Adoption Fair in Franklin, TN
  • Date TBD: Amazing Pet Expo Holiday in Los Angeles CA

At any of the above dog-friendly events, Wisdom Panel will be providing on-site DNA swab testing for $39.99 and take-home testing kits for $49.99. Kits can also be ordered directly from Wisdom Panel (MSRP $84.99). Boca is hoping to hitch a ride to the beautiful mountain town of Vail, Colorado, and find out what breeds might be present in her Bahamian ancestry! 

Please visit Wisdom Panel on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest or at one of the stops on their "Swabathon" Tour this summer. If you decide to DNA test your dog, I'd love to hear about the results! 


  1. I was on the fence for so long about getting a DNA test done for Laika; but I'm so glad I did. That's pretty sweet that they're touring around offering tests - and I love that they're now testing for the MDR1 mutation - that's really good information to know considering it's not always easy to tell what a dog heritage is.

  2. If my sisters and I were mixed breeds, Mom would do it in a heartbeat as she never likes the unknown. She wishes it had been around for her last dog who came from a shelter.

    1. It's really cool to have that extra information for mixed breeds!

  3. Oh wow! That's way more affordable than their previous version! I've always wanted to do the wisdom panel on the girls but it's always been one of those luxury items that I can never convince my husband we actually need. LOL

    1. I would be so interested in their results and if they would be similar!

  4. These tests are so cool! I hope that one day they come out with them for cats. Mars is awesome. They have a lot of great, innovative products for pets.
    -Purrs from your friends at

    1. It would be great if they had them for cats as well!

  5. Mom is so glad she read your review! In our BlogPaws swag is a $10 coupon from Wisdom Panel so she is definitely considering it! She has always wanted to do it even though she knows I'm mostly Doxie she wants to know for sure what rest of me is. Too bad none of the events are near us! Love Dolly

    1. I think the results are particularly interesting when part of the heritage is known! I knew my dog Lasya was part chow due to her purple tongue, and hers came back as Chow/German Shepherd. I'm surprised that Mars didn't have a testing booth at BlogPaws since they were a sponsor!

  6. I think it's so important to have DNA tests done so you can understand any conditions the breed(s) may have, specific behaviors, etc. It's too bad you couldn't have been at the conference since Mars Petcare was there!

    1. I really wish I could have gone to BlogPaws - hopefully next year!

  7. Thats really neat that they travel around, Ive never heard of that. At least I don't think we have that in Canada. I know we have ones where you swab & send in.

    1. I think it is a great idea for dog events and hope it becomes more common!

  8. This is a great affordable option for dog parents, especially when it comes to testing for the MDR1 mutation. It's not always easy to determine breed makeup in rescued dogs with no history - some end up looking so completely different from what their breeds actually are! And the Ivermectin sensitivity issue is for sure something to be very careful about.

    1. You are so right, Camille! I follow Wisdom Panel on FB and it's so fun to try to guess the breeds before they publish the results - some are obvious and some are very unexpected!


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