
September 22, 2015

Ten Healthy Pumpkin Treat Recipes for Dogs

pumpkin dog treat recipes

Have you succumbed to pumpkin spice madness? Let your dogs savor the seasonal flavors as well as enjoy some of pumpkin's health benefits by mixing, freezing or baking any of these recipes I've rounded up:

1.  Frozen Pumpkin Treats with Goat Milk and Turmeric - If it still feels like summer where you are, these frozen treats packed with health benefits from yours truly might be just the thing.

2. Pumpkin Dog Treats - These baked treats from My Rotten Dogs include oats, egg and cinnamon.

3. Pumpkin Spice Puppacino  - Now your dog can have their own personal barkista thanks to Lola the Pitty!

4. Quinoa Pumpkin Dog Treats - This recipe from Kol's Notes includes quinoa, flax-seed and just a dab of maple syrup.

5.Candy Corn Frozen Dog Treats - How cute are these tri-colored confections from Beagles & Bargains? The layers are made up pumpkin, yogurt and banana.

cute dog with pumpkin

6. These Pumpkin Dog Treats from Good Dogs & Co. have canned pumpkin as well as pumpkin seeds! 

7. These Banana & Pumpkin Dog Treats from Sweet Paul sound delicious to you think The Ginger Sisters will share?

8. These Vegan Treats from Vegan Heartland combine Pumpkin & Blueberry.

9. Here are some wheat-free Pumpkin & Chicken Treats from Doggy Dessert Chef - I think they'd be great for Thanksgiving with turkey!

10. Last but not least, these irresistibly cute Pumpkin & Cheese mummies from Kol's Notes.

jack russell mix with pumpkin

Special thanks to Christie from Life With Beagle for the spark of inspiration for this post.

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  1. Yum. We love punkin. Thanks for the recipes
    Lily & Edward

  2. Thanks for the recipe. I have a few cans of 100% pure canned pumpkin on hand all the time.

  3. Wow, some really treat recipes! I've bookmarked this post. My pack loves pumpkin.

  4. Koira loves pumpkin. Even just some cooked pumpkin tossed into her bowl.

  5. Great list and great recipes! I saved this on my Pinterest page for future reference.

  6. These are great! I'll be trying a few of these. :)

  7. Oooh! I want to make all of these!

  8. Ma says we are weirdos because we don't like pumpkin. Maybe its because she gives it to use when we have tummy troubles. That is a wonderful lists of treats though!

  9. These look great! I LOVE fall and Halloween. LOVE. IT. But I live in Florida so it really just feels like summer with a breeze. So the only way I can really tell that fall is here is to eat enormous amounts of pumpkin! I will DEFINITELY be trying out these recipes!!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Some of the recipes on the list are my favorites. Too bad I'm too lazy to make most dog treats :)

  11. we were just going to start looking online for some yummy pet fall treats to make! you did the work for us. Looking forward to testing some of these out for Rolo. Thanks!

  12. I really need to do some treat-making! This is a great list!

  13. Those Pumpkin mummies are hilarious! Lot of good Halloween ideas.

  14. Great list! It's the first day of Fall, time to start baking for Bain!

  15. These look like great recipes! My girls love pumpkin. I add it to their meals daily for an extra fiber boost. They both have IBD which makes it difficult to introduce them to foods they are not used to but I think I can successfully make some of these recipes without it upsetting their sensitive tummies. I can't wait to try.


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