
October 1, 2015

Dogs Are My Fashion Statement

Boots by Frye, Elkhound by Denver Dumb Friends League

I found this picture a while back and thought it would be a fun Throwback Thursday share. Once upon a time I wanted to be a fashion blogger. I was obsessed with fancy shoes, clothes from Anthropologie and putting together unique ensembles. My Norwegian elkhound, Freya, was happy to be my model sidekick, but Lasya, whose posterior makes up the lower right corner of this photo, was always making a fast exit out of frame. I shopped online and created Pinterest boards and Polyvore collages and followed all the prominent fashion bloggers long before I discovered the world of pet blogs. Adopting Ruby changed my world from "life with dogs" to "life about dogs." 

I'm not ashamed to wear a shirt with my dog on it.

These days I have far less interest in fashion, although I still love a beautiful, well-made pair of shoes. You'll most often find me in shorts and a dog t-shirt, jeans and a dog t-shirt, or lounge pants and a dog t-shirt. (other favorite t-shirt themes are Game of Thrones geekdom, bands I love, literary allusions and anything with birds or horses on it). My priorities for shoes and clothing have shifted from "is it in style?" "is it a reflection of who I am?" to "is it comfortable to walk, play and lounge around with dogs?" I still have a closet full of high heels and beautiful dresses that I seldom have occasion to wear. I still like to get dolled up once in a while when I meet my friends for brunch or go to a concert, but the thing that is most a reflection of who I am is a dog (or two, or three) at my side.


  1. I wish I could find pictures of me and my shoes. I used to have over 200 pairs of shoes and I never walked in anything less than 2" unless I was going to the gym.

    Today, it's t-shirts, jeans, sweats, and runners. I'm a dog mom :)

  2. Love this! You're so cute! I need to get some more doggy tshirts, I only have one...

  3. Having four dogs has given me more common sense about what I wear: jeans, shorts and dog shirts.

  4. We love getting moms work clothes hairy
    Lily & Edward

  5. Yep. That's me. A majority of my clothing is animal related including shirts that say "dog mom," "agility mom," "Wynston's mom," etc. Super cute pictures of you!

  6. For the first time in years I have occasions that my daily riding breeches are not appropriate for. I might be heading the wrong direction. (I like the new you.)

  7. My sister laughs at me when I go shopping with her because my most regular comment on clothing is "Oh, this is a cute dog-walking shirt!"

  8. I love this! I have soooo many shoes, but spend 97% of my time in flip flops, sneakers, or chucks.

  9. I love your caption on the picture of you and Freya. :)

    I love wearing dresses and skirts, and having pretty things, and wearing things that feel like me. Which is why there are videos of me training or playing with my dog in a dress. :P Still, I definitely spend more time in shorts or jeans than I used to, but that's okay--most of my shirts have animals on them anyway!


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