
October 14, 2015

Games Ginger Sisters Play

Although we have between two and three of the girls' favorite chew toy - the Benebone wishbone - accessible at any given time, there is only one they are interested in: the one somebody else has! This game started when Boca brought the wishbone upstairs, and to my surprise, let Ruby take it from her. Ruby then proceeded to tiptoe stiffly around Boca in circles with it - an obvious tease. Here she has dropped the bone and is daring Boca to pounce, which she will at any moment...I just love the look on Boca's face!

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  1. Ha - looks like she's thinking, "Double dog dare me??? Challenge accepted!".

  2. Aw, I bet it's so fun watching them bait each other and play together. They're adorable!

  3. I definitely see a challenge in those eyes!

  4. I so can relate. I cringe when Harley & Jax both want the same toy. It's usually nothing that they are regularly interested in, so I know someone is just setting the other up. Dogs are smarter than we think!

  5. My mom's dogs are the same way. She has an entire box overflowing with toys and bones, but inevitably everyone wants the same thing. One dog will drop their bone and then everyone shifts, lol.


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