
November 8, 2015

Prepare for Holiday Stress with our PL360 Anxiety Relief Giveaway

It seems like the moment the Halloween costumes and candy are put away, the festivity frenzy of November and December begins. My head spins as I try to form gift lists and juggle party invitations, putting on a smiling face during what has become a difficult time of year for me. It's no secret that along with wonder and joy, the season can mean stress and tension for people and their pets. 

Life with an anxious dog has made me more sensitive to changes in her environment, with my focus always on keeping her safe and comfortable. The holidays bring with them the potential for travel, house-guests, strange hours that disrupt our routine and unusual sights and sounds around the neighborhood.

I think having a calming supplement on hand is a great way to prepare for the situational stress that our preparation and celebration of the holidays can trigger. PL360, a company focused on safe and natural solutions for pets, offers an Anxiety Relief supplement with chamomile (which Boca has been compared to with her soothing presence) and tryptophan (found in Thanksgiving turkey). We'll be traveling to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving and I am hoping it will help Ruby relax in the car, as well as make the New Year's Eve fireworks a little easier for Boca. 

We are giving away a bottle of PL360 Anxiety Relief to five lucky winners. The giveaway is open to U.S. residents and winners have 72 hours to respond to email notification. Please read the product information and check with a veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns before giving this or any supplement to your pet.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: PL360 provided the giveaway prizes and a sample product in exchange for spreading the word about their supplements. PL360 is not responsible for the content of this post. All opinions expressed are my own and I only publish reviews for products I feel comfortable using in the day to day life of my pets.


  1. We've been having a lot of good luck with that anxiety med! Zoe has been doing really well on it!

  2. I'd love to try this on squeaky Mia. Our vet recommended Zylkene, which is a natural milk-derivative that's all the rage in the UK. I mail-ordered some--quite expensive.

  3. Yes because they are so many people coming. Skipper can't deal with change so he goes and hides.

  4. Holidays drive both Nala and me crazy because she hates when all the guest leave and howls once they leave.

  5. Sounds like some good stuff
    Lily & Edward

  6. This sounds really good! Roxie and Pike are my nervous dogs. This would be great to have on hand!

  7. Zoey is our anxious dog and she's taking an herbal supplement that is really helping her. It naturally relaxes her and allows us to better train her to deal with situations that would cause her stress.

    At the beginning of this summer she would bark like crazy whenever anyone visited; now she barks a couple times and then approaches the person. It's been wonderful to see.

    She's still reactive, but I feel that I have an opportunity to interrupt her reaction and redirect her to a more positive response.

  8. a little bit, but our smallest one, Zoey goes where ever we go

  9. I think the holidays are stressful for all of us!! Chewy hides under the couch whenever too many guests are over.

  10. Yes I think so. We try not have a lot over.


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