
November 4, 2015

Separate Interests, Common Ground

I thought it was so sweet that Ruby and Boca were sharing a dog bed this weekend while one relaxed and one chewed.
 Ruby is my little busy-body while Boca's favorite hobby is napping, but they still find a way to spend time together.
 Boca seemed to find the sounds of Ruby's gnawing a soothing lullaby.
Or maybe she is in the mood to chew, too - here she considers playing the big sister card and Ruby prepares to make a run for it with the wishbone...

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  1. So cute! Rae gets to hangout with her brother every Tuesday/Thursday and they love to snuggle. It's the cutest thing :) What chew toy is that?

    1. It's a Benebone! Our very favorite, we always have two or three around. They are similar to Nylabones but I think they hold up better, and they are infused with real peanut butter or bacon.

  2. very cute
    We don't share nothing here
    Lily & Edward

  3. I'm just like Boca, I love the sound of a dog chewing on a bone. It is very soothing. That's such a sweet photo of them hanging out together. :)

    1. It is satisfying to know they are enjoying something so much.

  4. I kinda want to snuggle up next to them on that little bed.

    1. I once curled up in Lasya's bed with her and had a big cry. She wasn't very impressed but was tolerant of me. This morning I had a ginger nestled under each arm in bed!

  5. We too get those moments although they are rare and few and far between. Sweet looking girls you've got there.

    1. My previous dogs only cuddled up during a thunderstorm.

  6. That's so sweet! Nola and Olivia are just like that; Nola's the busy crazy cake, and Olivia's affectionately called "The Rug". It's shocking how well they get along, though!
    I just love that your girls match, haha.

    1. Boca is the laziest dog ever. It's like she is trying to catch up on all that sleep lost scrabbling for food and survival on the streets.

  7. That is just darling. I love how they share. My two can't quite seem to get the hang of it. As soon as one initiates the snuggle, the other runs away!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

    1. Boca often uses Ruby as a pillow and sometimes Ruby wriggles away but most of the time they are like puzzle pieces.

  8. Your dogs are so adorbs. I just love them. I can't wait to meet you all someday.

    1. I want to meet your crew, too! Your dogs would look enormous to me after being used to The Ginger Sisters. My aunt's labradoodle always seems like a giant.


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