
January 13, 2016

Prey Drive

If I had to make up my own address for The Ginger Sisters and myself, we would reside at the edge of Hundred Rabbit Hill in Rabbitville, Colorado. When you have a Jack Russell mix who identifies strongly with her digging, hunting and chasing terrier side, this makes leashed dog walks a challenge. They've been responsible for a nerve-wracking escape, an emergency vet visit and sprinkling the sidewalk with Boca's favorite snack.

I decided to embrace Ruby's career aspirations with her UpCountry collar and Island Top Designs tag. Even though she doesn't often get the opportunity to pursue her predatory dreams, I think she proudly wears her badge of honor. Every once in a while I will let her chase one of our resident rabbits - dragging me behind her as fast as I can run - just to keep the locals on their toes.

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  1. Replies
    1. We just love the Island Top tags - so nicely made and customizable. Boca's has a smiling sun on it since she is my solar-powered island girl.

  2. That's a great badge for Ruby to wear! Its always good to keep everyone on their toes with the chasing (or dragging)...LOL!

    1. Boca's has a sun on it since she is solar powered - I love that I was able to capture their personalities with their tags!

  3. You really need to come try out lure coursing with your Ginger Sisters...beautiful tag. I'm paranoid about dangling tags getting caught but it sure is pretty

    1. Sadly I don't think Ruby could handle the other dogs, and I think Boca would rather nap! Ruby doesn't wear her collar in the house, and in fact it is always attached to her harness with an S-clip as well! I understand paranoia all too well :)

  4. That's a really pretty collar and I love the tag, too!! Zoe and Phee both agree with Ruby about bunnies. Let's hunt them! What fun! Luckily for me the rabbit population is in hibernation out at the park at the moment. (Either that or they've been eaten by coyotes, I'd like to think they are just napping until better weather.) ;)

  5. Aww that tag is perfect for her. I'm guilty of letting Laika go after rabbits from time to time as well. They're a complete nuisance to our yard with the hundreds of holes they dig everywhere... So occasionally I'll let her scare em off. Of course they're right back 10 minutes later but hey... It's my little way at getting back at them for making my yard a challenge to mow. (I'd never actually consider hurting them, Laika's too slow to catch em :) )

  6. So cute, so perfect!
    My girl's tag from Fetching Tags reads "Chicken Whisperer"

  7. I love it. Our dogs pulled me off my feet one day. It was so painful that I couldn't breathe at first. I had injuries everywhere and I wanted to cry and scream all at once. But I pulled myself together, the dogs surrounded me, because something was wrong "why are you on the ground?" and we went home.

    Hate those damn rabbits. LOL

    1. I remember that! Lasya pulled me down chasing a rabbit once. I landed on my bare knees on the sidewalk - ouch! I'm lucky Ruby is so small.

  8. I can relate. Poodles are not thought of as chasing dogs, but they were originally great hunting dogs and Misty the alpha Poodle has all of the hunting instincts of her ancient ancestors.

  9. I love the tag and I'm in need of a new one! :)

  10. That's adorable! I'm guilty of always using the same boring, red collar on Haley. I really should look into something more classy, like this one!

    1. I admit to having far more collars, harnesses and leashes than a two-dog household should have! Ruby's very first collar was from UpCountry (green with squirrels) and we have stuck with them. Boca has an even bigger collar wardrobe since she gets to go out in public more often.

  11. That's a beautiful tag! Thank goodness Ruby weighs 20lbs (if I recall rightly). It's amazing how strong they get when they see something to chase!

  12. That's a really cool vintage looking tag and matching collar for Ruby! :) Happy never seen a rabbit before. I bet he will love them! <3

  13. Brilliant collar tag there. Hope you are not too good at Bunny Patrol though Ruby as I'm quite fond of Peter Rabbit. Have a great day.

  14. That's really gorgeous! It does look antiqued. Mine would be full of food slop in a day or two, but it might still be worth it!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  15. When Jax sees a rabbit I know it's going to be a painful afternoon for me. Sometimes I feel like a barbie doll and I'm just waiting for the arm to pop out of the socket! LOL Rabbits, Possums you name it - we chase it. Beautiful collar...

  16. Ruby says, "What can I say? It's who I am."
    Love the collar and tag.

  17. Very pretty.

    Do you have lure coursing near you anywhere? Because I could see Ruby being a superstar at it.

    1. I have a friend who does lure coursing with her sighthounds - she has encouraged us to come but unfortunately I don't think Ruby can handle all the other dogs. Probably as long as the "bunny" is moving but getting her after and waiting for our turn would be another matter.


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